Since the last update, I have been keeping busy, but nothing seems quite as exciting as updating from tropical Thailand- but I'll try!
After returning to Xi'an, I was excited about the increase in the temperature- but that was not the only sign of spring! In addition to the Chinese New Year being called 春节 (Spring Festival), things been changing in the city. For instance, you can now buy pineapples from the street vendors (which reminded me of warm, beautiful Thailand). Possibly the most exciting and nostalgic moment of the emerging spring came to while shopping at Metro, a German store that is very similar to Costco or Sam's Club in the states. While walking through the produce isle, I came across something that was beautiful to my eye and warming to my heart- WASHINGTON STATE APPLES! I had to buy them... and they were delicious!
Buddhist Temple
After being here in Xi'an for six months, I had lost my tourist edge. With Ty around, he has helped re-introduce the adventurous attitude! Last week, Ty, Zach, Carrie, Cari and I made a trip to a large Buddhist Temple here in the middle of Xi'an. It was an incredible sight to see the high rise buildings surrounding the ancient architecture and carefully planned gardens.
I would love everyone to check out the album of my pictures from the Buddhist temple but I must warn you- this temple held two rooms with some of the most graphic depictions of hell I've ever seen in an eastern religion. I found it very fascinating how similar the concept of hell is in both western religions and eastern religion. So, for the faint of heart, avoid the Xi'an Buddhist Temple photo album. For the rest of you, enjoy... if you can.
Right when I was turning off the heater in my room and ready to put some shorts on, the weather decided to remind me it's only February. Over the last week, I saw my first snow in China! It was only around for a day or two, but it was great to see the white around the city and any type of precipitation is welcome when you are living in the desert.
In addition to the changing weather, I recently made some bittersweet plans. As of last weekend, I have officially purchased my return ticket to the USA! I will be flying back on the same flight as parents in the end of July. Although it's still 5 months away, if it's anything like the first 6 months here- it won't last long. I am excited to live each opportunity here in China to the fullest while I'm still here (...but I'm also excited to see all my family and friends this summer!).
Shocking Update?
After returning from Thailand, one of the highest priorities I had was buying a new pair of jeans. Now, to most this might sound like a very normal errand but (a little known fact about myself), I have never purchased a pair of long pants for myself in my life. I know, weird, huh? When I was young, mother was kind enough to dress me and in my adolescents, I would either rely on pants that I borrowed (more like stole) from my dad's closet or something from TJ.
For the last 4 years, I've been wearing pair of jeans from a good friend in college. They didn't fit him well, so he gave them to me. They are so thin now that holes are spreading in them faster than a motorcycle taxi running from the police (regional humor, sorry). New jeans was high priority because I had to have some good jeans for Casual Friday!
Well, long story short (you can tell from the length, this was an important moment for me), I followed a very stereotypical male pattern. I walked from my apartment to the closest clothing store and bought the first pair of jeans I looked at. Pretty anti climatic, I know. Get this though- the jeans only cost me 42 Kuai ($6.00)!