The Race is On!!!
A couple months ago, I heard about something our team was hosting called “Maniac Kids Weekend.” Since this was on my first 3-day weekend, I was going to do everything in my power to avoid working with a bunch of “maniac” kids. Well, one way or another, I ended up volunteering. To my surprise, I wasn’t going to be spending the weekend with a bunch of children climbing all over me. Instead, I was going to be helping in an Amazing Race-type competition between some of the older kids!
Not totally sure what I was getting into, I arrived at the Sofitel, the hotel where the weekend events were taking place, at about 8 am on Saturday. The Sofitel is by far the nicest hotel in Xi’an and quite possibly the nicest Hotel I’ve ever been to! At the Sofitel, I was given my official “Race Around Xi’an” shirt and I made my way to the lobby to meet with my teammates Chase (the only senior at our school with a hilarious sense of humor) and Keera (a tough sixth grader who second oldest out of four children).
Left to right: Tori, member of Cari's team, Chase and Keera
Due to Ty’s injury, Jake, one of the people responsible for planning the race, was a leader of a team (and he said he wouldn’t cheat… more on that later). The other team was lead by Cari. All together there were 3 teams with a total of nine people. As a facilitator, Cari, Jake and I were there to keep the students safe and take pictures… and give as much moral support as possible. After a short talk about the rules and some pre-race pictures, the race officially started!
Below is a map of the race we took around Xi’an. There were 10 challenges in all and I’ll explain each as we go.

Click on Image for larger view.
Challenge 1
Because my team had won a Wii tournament from the previous night, we were allowed a 10 minute head start. After finding a cab, we headed to the directions on the clue; the historical downtown area of Xi’an called the Muslim Quarters. Once there, we found the restaurant that was pictured in our clue. Making our way to the back of the restaurant (running the whole time of course), we found the official hosts standing near tables and were instructed how to make dumplings.
While we were making, the other two teams arrived and started making their dumplings as well. After we had made 20 dumpling that could stand up-right, we were giving our second challenge. We raced out the door only moment ahead of another team.
Challenge 2
We were given our second clue which lead us deeper into the Muslim Quarters. As we frantically searched for the house on our clue, we began to see the other teams running all around the street. I saw Jake, who was claiming not to cheat, loudly cleared his throat to his teammates and gave a little head nod as the passed the entrance to an old historical home. After that point, I vowed to do everything I could to help my team in gaining victory!
Following Jake’s team, we made our way into the house and searched for the carving that was in our clue. We found it and removed some charcoal and paper that was in the backpacks our team was giving. We began tracing over the etching by the time the next team arrived. In our excitement, we raced to the officials and showed them our etching- which they said was not good enough. Meanwhile, another team stole our carving!!! We were force to wait as the other team finish. Receiving our clue, we left, felling rather defeated on that challenge.
Challenge 3
We were told by some store owners that the next location was at the end of the street and to the right. After running for about ¾ of a mile and being passed by another team, we decided to grab a Beng-beng Che to get us there. As we arrived at our destination, we saw Jake’s team leaving the temple! Frantically, we found another team inside listing to a monk for a clue. After the clue, we searched for a sculpture. After finding it, both teams received the clue and raced out of the temple, neck-n-neck.
Our team cut through a side street in order to find a taxi and made up huge time! We saw one team in cab next us and the others scrambling around on the sidewalk- we felt good being back in first!
Challenge 4
At a park, both teammates had to enter large inflated balls and sand up-right for 10 seconds. It was not easy work. The final solution came when Chase, attempting to keep his balance began running in place like a hamster. He managed to make it the whole 10 seconds so our team was given the next clue… the other two teams still inside the balls!
Challenge 5 & 6
Next, our clue lead us to the Small Goose Pagoda. Loyal followers of my blog might remember the “Big” Goose Pagoda. This one is very similar, except… smaller. I don’t have many pictures because of the rush we were in and that other people were taking pictures when we arrived to each challenge. The Small Goose Pagoda is not only small, but missing the top. For Challenge 6 we had o talk to someone to find out how the top of the pagoda was destroyed. Chase had recently studied this in his Chinese class, so we were able to answer immediately (I think it was lightening… or an earthquake. I can’t remember).
After we finished Challenge 6, we had a 30 minute, timed lunch break. We were at lunch 5 minutes before the next team arrived.
Challenge 7
Next, we were off to XIS, the school where I work and my teammates have class! Once there, our team had to move 30 bricks using a yoke and some bags. Chase attempted taking 20 his first trip, but the wooden yoke splintered. He ended up taking a few less, but impressive none the less. After 3 trips, the brick had all been moved and the broken yoke was quite defensive since one team had to watch and wait until we were finished.
Challenge 8 & 9
Our next clue took us to Xingqing Park. Being May Day Holiday, the park was flooded with people (人山人海)! We made our way to the paddle boats. We were giving the challenge to paddle out and around an island. Once there, the students would have to take part in an eating challenge. On the first trip, my team missed the eating challenge! They had to paddle back a second time and attempt eating an 1,000 Year Old Egg, the name of a Chinese delicacy. They tried it but could not finish it. Either way, we were given our last challenge and left the park ahead of the other two teams.
Challenge 10
The last Challenge lead us to the Xi’an City Wall. We were instructed to get on some rented bikes and to ride the wall. Riding as fast and safe as we could (the wall is old and the bricks are far from even…), we made the 1-2 mile bike ride in great time. As we hurried to the finish line, we didn’t notice any other teams in sight. After standing on a mat (just like in the Amazing Race) our team was informed that we were FIRST!!! It was another 10-15 minutes before Jake's team arrived followed by Cari’s team only 5 minutes after. It was such a close finish for a morning of racing around the city.
I had my GPS the whole morning tracking our path. With all the cab rides, running, searching and the final bike ride, the race totaled 24.6 miles around the city. It was such an incredible way to spend a Saturday and I’m so glad I was able to be a part of it. For coming in first, the students each received an I-pod Nano!
In Other News
I am SOOOO busy!!! This month has been a blur of exciting events and hard work. The fact that I am only now finishing my blog for the first of May should be evidence of that. And on top of all the business, I sprained my ankle! I was playing basketball and rolled my ankle… there was definitely a ‘popping’ sound. Being inexperienced in ankle injuries, I failed to act immediately so there is still a bit of swelling and bruising now (5 days after the injury). None-the-less, I feel much better and I’m planning on making a quick recovery… since I don’t really have an option with my upcoming schedule!
Also, today was Teacher Appreciation Day at school! I was given cards and gifts from my students and for dinner, all the teachers were treated to a buffet at the Sofitel- it was incredible and I stuffed myself!
The Countdown!
With all this excitement, the days are slipping way rather quickly! Here’s the updated countdown!
Last Day of School: 17 Days! (That's only 12.5 days of class- WOW!)
T.Matt Arrives: 25 Days - Less than a Month!
My Parents Arrive: 43 Days
I return to the US of A: 64 Days
In the business of catching up...
Well, almost 2 months late, here it is TJ- your Birthday Greeting from my class!!! It was recorded on your birthday and was supposed to be posted that week but due to some complications (China shutting down YouTube... and my laziness), it's only now ready for your viewing. Better late than never! Happy Birthday TJ!

Thanks for Reading!