...How do you wrap-up a year of your life in a different country? Join me as I reflect on my amazing year: August 2008 - August 2009!
The 2008 Olympic Games
What an incredible way to begin my journey! Knowing I would have family to meet me when I arrived in China made it so much easier to board that 14 hour flight. Nothing felt quite like meeting Monica and Andrew that first night in Beijing or watching Amanda compete in the "Cube" or climbing the Great Wall for the first time. I knew from that first experience with China, it was going to be a great year!
My home, Xi'an
Growing up, I never experienced city life. Living in Gig Harbor, we could always drive to Tacoma or Seattle but it was quite different to actually live inside a city of over 9 million people. The sounds, the sites, public transportation, long walks exploring new areas, even the pollution- it all became familiar as my new home. City life will always have a place in my heart after that year.
It's hard to even call it work. Not because it was easy, but because it just felt right. Being a teacher at Xi'an International School taught me so much and I'll never forget my students and the amazing staff. I love them all very, very much and miss them very, very much (I totally teared-up while adding their pictures to this blog).
Although everyday was a new and fun experience, the only thing that could compare to that first day in China was arriving in Thailand in the middle of January. To leave the polluted, crowded, cold city of Xi'an and land in the tropical, rural town of Ao'Luk, Thailand greeted by the Grooters sisters is something I can't put in words. From the white island beaches to the busy street of Bangkok- Thailand was a blast!
New Friends
The greatest part of living in a new place is the friends you make. I'm so thankful for all the people I met and I always felt supported- they were my second family. One friend gets a special shout out- Cari Cook! My friendship with Cari enriched my year in China in EVERY WAY (it was a Skype Convo with Cari that finally got me to write this post!).
Old Friends... and family!
I never notice being homesick. I rarely found myself longing to leave or being overwhelmed with thought of home. I have Skype and visitors to thank for that! Nothing in China could compare to the feeling of seeing old friends and loved ones- my brother coming for my birthday, seeing the Grooters in Thailand, T's visit in the summer and the grand finale with my parents!
I have such a better understanding of the Chinese people and their culture. I will always smile when I see a group of elderly Chinese doing Tai Chi or cheap paper decorations in a Chinese restaurant window.
So, this is it. I'm finally bringing some closure to this blog- 45 posts after it started (that seems like a good number to end on). I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who read my blog. It's weird writing these because you really have no idea who is reading (if anyone). It means so much that you followed my adventures and I hope this blog at some point was informative or at least entertaining.

If you want to hear more stories from China, check out Cari's Blog... but you better hurry- she leaves in less that two months!
But wait... what about August 2009 to May 2010?!
Can't get enough of the blogging excitement? You are welcome to check out my latest adventures on my brand new blog: