Tuesday, January 13, 2009

That guy Ty

I've been a little late on updating my blog. Why? Because my 室友 (shiyou, roommate) has arrive!

New Roomy

Ty arrived last Monday and has spent a week getting to know our lovely city of Xi'an. He's visited downtown several times, ate many exciting meals and began his Chinese schooling. Here's some info on my new roommate:

Ty was born and raised in Northern California. After, his family moved to Wisconsin. He has been living there and going to college. Now, at 22 years old, Ty has come to China as part of an internship. He will be here in Xi'an learning Chinese and working on several correspondent classes for the next 5 months to complete a minor in East Asian Studies. After that, his studying abroad will take him to other locations in China and more adventures! Ty has a great sense of humor (see photo on left for a more 'dramatic' Ty). He also loves to jam on the guitar and speaks the best Pig Latin I've ever heard; he's fluent. It-ya is-ya a-ya ittle-lay ary-scay.

I couldn't be more excited about Ty! We've already shared some good adventures and there are still many are to be had. My only concern is a lack of sleep from too much fun (currently watching Planet Earth: Great Plains while blogging... way past my bedtime)!

Makin' 饺子 (Jiaozi)!

This week, Ty and I (that has a nice ring) had some Chinese friends over. We made Jaozi (dumplings)! It was a lot of fun and a very uniquely Chinese experience! To Make a jiaozi, you must first make the dough, then cut it into small pieces, then roll it, then stuff it (probably the hardest part for me) then boil them. It was a great time and some delicious food! I'm thankful our friends were there to help... my Jiaozi didn't look so good!

US Holidays End/Chinese Begin!

It's official, I just celebrated what will probably be my last Christmas until next year. Cari Cook was home for Christmas and not able to enjoy Christmas here in China. Today, Cari and I opened presents! Nothing wrong with one more Christmas! For those of you who were worried about me being overseas during the holidays, here is a recap of my holiday season:

  • Christmas Celebrations: 5 (including one conducted over a webcam!)
  • Thanksgiving Celebrations: 3 (3 Turkey Meals!)
  • New Years: Only one... but Chinese New Year is quickly arriving!

Thailand Countdown

That's right, less than a WEEK! I am soooooo excited (and still need to pack!). It is going to be a great time visiting a new (warm) country as well as seeing my friends Tracy and Sarah!

Below is a sneak peek of the area I will be visiting Tracy and Sarah. For more information, check out my last blog or their web site at Halfway Around the World.

A preview of one of the places I will be visiting!

Since I will not be traveling with my computer and I am uncertain of how available the internet will be, this could be my last post for several weeks! I hope I'll be able to send out a couple quick updates. If not, keep posted in February for a HUGE update.

Thanks for reading!

Two 很酷


Unknown said...

Weeks? How long will you be in Thailand? Where in NorCal was Ty from?

Nan-chan~~~ said...

Hmmm... Ty, eh? Too bad you didn't put his phone number up - I totally would stalk him...

Lolz. Not.

<3 the Countdown. (Has a mental countdown as well... but don't tell Kelly). :P

Like the candid photos of you guys hanging out~

From the Classroom Nxt Door

alliehallmarr said...

Garrison here- I'm so happy you're having such a great time in China. Your new roommate sounds great! Sounds 2 sweeeet really....I'm really glad that your great outlook on life gets passed to your students. It's wild to think that we saw you at the Tides tavern and now your out in a completely different world. I'm looking forward to more videos from your students and you. Your Christmas videos were the cream of the crop. Keep being too awesome to handle with gloves!!!!

Until then,