While visiting, T.J. took a TON of pictures! Here are the new albums that you can see T.J.'s adventures in:
I'm going to highlight some of our adventures during his stay:
Xi'an... When Brad's not at school!
Although I was working a 40 hour week for TJ's first week in China, we got to do some great stuff. You better believe I took him to my favorite park in Xi'an: TANG PARADISE! And in case you thought this blog couldn't get any cooler, now, for the first time, introducing VIDEO!
Filmed by T.J. ThomasFilmed by T.J. Thomas
Familiar Territory
It was so strange going back to Beijing with T.J. First, it was the farthest I've traveled since I've arrived in Xi'an. Second, it was familiar, but not home... very strange. On good example was my second trip to the Summer Palace and getting to walk on the ice where 4 months ago I was paddle boating! Plus, I have now been to the Forbidden City 3 time! I was thrilled to find that each place I went to offered new experiences.
We are NERDS!
As suggested by our father, T.J. and I took several pics at the tourist hot spots in China holding up our local newspapers, the News Tribune and the Gateway... I hope one of those makes it!
Thanks for visiting T.J.! I had tons of fun (and I got to miss 2 days of class)! Now that we’re all caught up, it’s time for…

Christmas in China has been very different. Unlike Thanksgiving, you can see Christmas decorations in a lot of areas around China. McDonalds’ goes all out (which, I don’t think they can even do that in the states because of all the “politically correct” issues!). Unlike in the states, I will only be receiving a four day weekend for my Christmas break. But, this does not bother me in the least bit since I have a 3 week-long break in January for Chinese New Year where I will be traveling to THAILAND!!!
I’ve already had the Christgiving (see T.J.’s blog) celebration and I also have a Christmas Eve and Christmas day party to attend this week, so don’t worry about me! Also, T.J. brought over a bunch of gifts that I hope to open with the family over Skype!
This will have to be part one of Christmas. Next week, I’ll catch you up on the rest of the happenings!
Brad this video is HILARIOUS! Love it! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas and an even better new year... we're all snowed in back home :-)
Man your adventures are so cool! Thanks again for sharing and Merry Christmas brother! =)
Hey Brad, I had an awesome time over there. I like the video. I am amazed you got you students to concentrate for that long, haha. Have fun and Merry Christmas. bye bye, TJ
dude it is a sign. Look what is on the cover of one of the news tribune papers you and TJ took photos with. that is creepy, destiny is calling me!!
Your students speak really good english. No accent or anything. Great job teach!
Merry Christmas!
So good to hear from you! I love your blog so much. It seems like you are having a really great time! I love the video that you and your class made...especially the end when they are playing around with the computer :-) Talk to you soon Brad!
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